Urban Protest Against Fuel Price Hike

Planting seeds reversing the city walls

Combing Into Jogja

Spend the twilight alone

Carnaval Music Patrol XII Jember

Sabtu malam, sampai senin dini hari (28-29/07), Carnaval Music Patrol (CPM) merupakan sebentuk usaha untuk melestarikan kesenian tradisi yang mulai meredup eksistensinya karena tergeser oleh arus modernisasi. Kegiatan CMP XII ini, diselenggarakan kesekian kalinya, oleh Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Kesenian Universitas Jember (UKMK UJ).

Abrasi di Bibir Papuma

Jember (13/01) dini hari beberapa teman mencari nasi menyisir warung, mereka berjalan pelan-pelan lewat belakang warung.

Berdagang di Pasar Tradisional

Para pedagang di Pasar Tanjung Jember yang memulai aktivitasnya dini hari.

Senin, 04 November 2013

Lack of Local Government Concern with dunes, Jember Youth Held Save Gumuk

Dune is a mound -like hill, but the volume is smaller than a mountain . Jember first earned the nickname as the 'City of a thousand dunes'. But gradually it lost thousands dunes one by one. The environmental damage turned out to attract the sympathy of the community, the organization, and the band to join in the evening activities donation 'Save Dunes'.

Save dunes is a collective concern tangle of various communities in Jember. Activities led by the Perhimpunan Pers Mahasiswa Indonesia (PPMI) Jember city or Pers Mahasiswa (Persma) Jember took place on Saturday night (28/9) in Gumuk Gunung Batu, Jember, East Java. Then they work with the Sekolah Bermain, Cangkrukan Lewat Botol Kosong, and Young Gun Veins to develop the concept of save dunes. After that slowly other communities began to arrive to help event titled is 'A Thousand Dollar For Gumuk'.

According Nurmaida, Chairman of Supervisory Save dunes, "This event is simple. We do not think heroics to buy dune. But this event is our first step to unite among organitation, Lembaga Pers Mahasiswa, a community of Jember, and all walks of life together to preserve the dunes together," he explained. He also added Hopefully after this event, many students from diverse faculties and universities that conduct research on the dunes.

In his speech, Nurul Priyantari, S.Si, M.Si, Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, University of Jember, really appreciate this kind of activity, "In the midst of an increasingly widespread news about juvenile delinquency, here we can be very entertained with concern you against nature. As the younger generation would have to have a concern for nature. I really appreciate all these events," he said. Nurul also added his hope that such an event is followed up with another activity that is more serious.

Gumuk Gunung Batu is one of the dunes in Jember poor condition. The dunes have lived half, while the others have been exploited. In the normal save dune, half broken landscapes are taken as the stage background. Additionally dunes decorated with lots of torches and the visitors who come are required by the route provided by the committee, which passed dunes prior to the location of activities.

Some indie band Jember who attended and participated filling the dunes save disclose their complaints regarding the condition of the natural environment. "We know the conditions in Jember dunes such as one that is behind us now. The event is at least made ​​us aware that there is a very critical thing," said Dion, Black Dog Vocalist. It is also revealed by Alex Gunawan, Vocalist The Penkors, "It is a great role for the dunes, and it makes perfect sense if we have to keep the existence of dunes that amount is not on the wane. Still maintain the remaining dunes. Hopefully many more who love dunes remaining," he said.

Save this event contains dunes Band Acoustic Performance, Poetry Readings, Dance Kedok Putih, Cangkruk'an, Collecting Coins For Gumuk, Empty Bottle Collection, Signature Solidarity Actions Save dunes, and Live Art Performing. Band Acoustic Performance by the band filled indie Jember some of them, namely, The Penkors, Black Dog, From This Accident, Pispot, Gudang Productions, and amusement.

While reading two poems by young poets and Jember ie Bahriz Halim Abdul Gani, be a reflection momentum. Therefore intends to encourage the reading of poetry visitors about the human desire to contemplate the damage natural ecosystems. "Fate must be formulated, where we were born and found myself as a human being," a piece of poetry that was read by Abdul Ghani. White mask dance then presented by the Student Activity Unit Kurusetra Arts, Faculty of Economics, University of Jember.

Performing a live art performances Jember street art activists in the location. With capitalize spray paint, the young artist is showing her skills in paint incised on the vinyl . Among Fiky Old Skull Hart Kore (OSHK), Dullboy OHSK, Asgar Fucking My Name (FMN), Mubin Tuban Rest, Nizar Everything of Art (EVA), Network of local artists Jember street art and drawing is joined together on-site activities.

In addition there is a series of events for the coin collection that became the core of the show dunes save dune. Piooner collecting donations to buy this dune has been around a long time by some nature lovers in Jember. They wanted to change the status of dunes as private property belong together. Therefore we intend to support the plan of buying dunes by collecting donations. [Dieqy Hasbi Widhana]

Stop Exploitation Dunes, Save Jember Future

Natural ecosystems including humans in it should move in a balanced manner . In Jember, exploitation dunes began to appear in 1990 . One of the content of the stone plate dunes, considered to have a high economic value if unloaded . Most of the dunes in Jember destroyed for the sake of a few people economically. Though natural dune formation is a phenomenon that is unique and one of a bona fide function as a buffer against natural disasters.

"We used to hear that the city of Jember thousand dunes. So the name is a nickname that's an identity. And that's true identity we want to take back. It used to be said there are a thousand more, now it is only six hundreds, including one that is behind us that conditions are exploitative. Looks like it is almost flat," said Cak Oyong, Founder of Sekolah Bermain .

For Cak Oyong, restore dunes that have been lost is impossible. "But there's still hope we can reduce exploitation actions of those who are rich," her said. Indeed, most of the dunes in Jember an individual property. Likely to prevent the emergence of exploitation dunes can still be done in various ways. Whether it's through persuasion by way of transmitting the discourse surrounding the dunes or the other function.

Ir. Wahyu Giri suspected cause of a destructive tornado Jember City a few months ago. "Case tornado in Jember city that's so weird, a few years ago there was something like that. Since 85 years I never was a story that never existed in Jember City tornado," he said. Previously there was no record in history that ever hit Jember tornado. Allegedly this kind of natural phenomenon arises because more and more dunes were destroyed. Of course along with the destruction of the function as a barrier dunes and wind breaker would go extinct as well.

According to Giri, in 2005, there has been discussion that led to a serious discussion about the dunes. At that time the discussion didapatan conclusion , that not all dunes in Jember to be rescued. However it must be sorted dune which one had to be rescued and dunes which can be converted into land to meet human needs. But there is no real continuity after the discussion was over.

Indeed if viewed Spatial Plan (Spatial) Jember is now being discussed, there was no dunes are a unique geological landscapes that should be saved . But being threatened everything for mine, exploitation. "Hopefully dune landscape geology to be included in the spatial plan," said Giri .

Additionally Giri also expressed hope in the future if successfully protected by dunes buy first. "If you bought dunes, his dream is waqf, sorry for the other religions, but I just termed it is a loss of waqaf property. I'm sure only friends who have not lost the right reward donations. Later ( dunes are bought ) for anything, do not be left unharmed only result is tolerable. But it could be a vehicle for education dunes, it could be to save or collect rare plants , all kinds lah , that dream can be built together," he explained. Until the date of July 26, 2013, funds collected by Wahyu Giri and nature lovers in Jember concerned with dune collected Rupiah 5,135,70.

On the other hand after 2005, source dunes surrounding literacy in Jember not develop. Like what was said by Lozz Akbar, Jember blogger, "If we type the JFC in google, it will find a lot of information. But if we type the dunes, will we get very little information about the dunes. At least we will meet in Parangtritis reference sand banks or maybe writing long nature lover friends. Yet if we think, before Jember Fashion Carnaval was echoed in the world, we actually already have a characteristic that is second to none in the world," he said.

As no reference about the development of dunes, it turns knowledge level of the dune Jember residents remains very low. "Yesterday, about a week ago, I put the logo of the save dune. Then a lot of people are asking, what is the dunes? Jember these people themselves are still many who do not know about the dunes," said Akbar.

Akbar also regretted mining rocks contained by dunes. He also hoped that this kind of activity provides awareness to the public about the importance of the function of dunes. "But unfortunately, dredged dunes slowly because a person of interest. Hopefully this event wrote awaken our memories with each other that can not be controlled dune individually, but together create," said Akbar.

Regarding the activities of Rohim Zabriansyah Hakim Judge, environmentalist, singer Sightseeing expressed his pride towards the implementation of the Student Press Jember save dune by cooperating with its network of collective work. "To save the event dune driving motor Persma comrades as Jember. Persma also not turn a blind eye, they also invite other communities. Salute for Persma comrades as Jember can invite all the community, including proactive invites fellow lover of nature , art , and punk comrades," he said.

The event was attended by hundreds of visitors aims to build public awareness of the importance of maintaining and caring for dunes in Jember. Indeed dunes in Jember mostly owned by individuals. But when the bear destroyed not only the impact but Indonesian Jember. Because dunes that had been protecting us from the presence of a natural disaster. [ Dieqy Hasbi Widhana]